July 4, 1776
A Red-Letter Day

The Birth of a Nation

We enjoy a remarkable amount of freedom because way back 240 years ago, a group of visionary men found the courage to declare the birth of a unique nation in the face of incredible opposition. 

What a vision.

How fortunate we are to enjoy the bountiful benefits of their sacrifices and perseverance.


Today I am especially thankful to have been born in the United States of America where liberty is my birthright.

I didn't do one thing to deserve it. That's why I never want to take it for granted nor lose sight of its cost to those who fought for it then and throughout our history.


Think about it.

We live in the freest country in the world. People risk their lives every day to come here. They thirst for the liberty we take for granted because they’ve experienced hardships we cannot fathom. For many, the ultimate dream is to become an American citizen.

Old Glory, Long May She Wave


Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.
Ronald Reagan, 40th U.S. President

   MAY WE: 
Remember the Price Others Paid so We could Be Free.

Never Demean Their Sacrifices by Mistaking LIBERTY for 

Seek Understanding of our Fellowmen.

Put Aside the Desire for Revenge. 

Do Our Part to Promote Unity.

Remain True to our Founding Fathers’ Vision

 Not just Today but Everyday,
May Good triumph over Evil.

*License: Lack of Restraint. 
(Think about the difference.)

...to whom much is given, 
from him much will be required; 
and to whom much has been committed, 
of him they will ask the more.
Luke 12:48B

Please join me in praying for our nation.

 Mighty God, thank you for allowing us to live in this great country. Forgive us when we take our freedom for granted and turn to selfish pursuits. Show us how to be responsible citizens. Change our hearts so we seek to understand others instead of majoring on differences. Help us put on humility so we are able to put aside affronts and lift others up. Lead us to stand shoulder-to-shoulder against hatred and every form of tyranny. I ask these things in the Name of the Mighty Prince of Peace. Amen.

Let the Celebration Begin!
Happy Birthday, Y’All! 

May There Be Songs of Freedom!
And Lots & Lots & Lots of Fireworks!
Firework photos compliments of
Steve Rucker, A Veteran & Patriot!
Thank you, Steve, for everything.

Copyright © Reflections from Dorothy's Ridge 2016. All rights reserved

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