Today, I want to introduce you to another writer friend, Karen Jordan, and her first book, Words That Change Everything. 
Karen is a wife to a newly retired guy, mother of two, grandmother of seven, teacher, speaker and friend. When I met her in a local Christian writers' organization, one of the things that impressed me most was her teacher's heart and the way she encouraged us to write our own stories--even the one that might be hardest to tell. I love the way Karen practices what she preaches. 
As I read Words That Change Everything, I was touched by Karen's transparency and encouraged by the way she turned to God's Word to chase away the fears and negative emotions that surfaced during her most trying times. 
In the true teacher's spirit, Karen gives us a blueprint for facing and corralling our own worst reactions to life's trials through 

The following is taken from an interview made available by her publisher         Leafwood Publishing. 

Author Spotlight on KAREN JORDAN
Words That Change Everything: Speaking Truth to Your Soul

Who is the book primarily for?
Women desiring true peace and relief from overwhelming worries and stress, who are tired of pretending all is well on the outside while silently suffering on the inside.
What do you love to write and what inspired you to start?
I love to write nonfiction, especially memoirs and devotionals. Reading Christian books that contained the faith stories of others inspired me to take a class on writing for publication while attending seminary. Then, when one of my stories from that class was accepted for publication, I considered submitting more stories for publication.
How and where do you write?
I love to write surrounded by nature outdoors or in a room with a view of the lake.
Where do you find inspiration?
Observing God's work in creation and hearing or reading the faith stories of others. 
Who has inspired you most?
Besides the Lord—my husband, Dan. He has stood by me through the good times and the bad. He’s behind the scenes in most of the stories I’ve written. I know I can always get an honest response from him. I’m so grateful for his prayerful support and encouragement. 
Talk about mentoring and the creative process.
Since I’m also a writing instructor, I know the importance of getting feedback in the writing process. But I also know the value of gleaning wisdom from someone else’s experience and knowledge. Plus, I believe that God’s Word calls all Christ-followers to encourage others in the faith and share their faith stories.
What in your growing up years fed your desire to write?
I always loved reading autobiographies and biographies. [I know, weird, right?] And I always loved to listen to people tell the stories that mattered most to them, especially their faith and family stories.
How do ideas for books or storylines or characters come to you?
I’m also compelled to write the stories that matter most to me, especially my faith and family stories. And sometimes the ideas come when I least expect them—as I recognize a need that I might be able to address, discover an inspirational thought or truth, or think of a memory that I want to share.
What a-ha moments have shaped your life and writing?
At some of my lowest points in life, God Word’s has pulled me out of the trenches of negative thinking, despair, and hopelessness, as he guided me to the truth. And as I try to encourage other women with the lessons I’ve learned in the waiting rooms of life, his Word continues to speak truth to my soul when my own logic fails me.
What legacy would you like to leave?
I hope to leave a legacy of faith—that is why I write about my faith stories. I think this scripture best expresses the reason I write my stories: “Write this down for the next generation so people not yet born will praise God” (Ps. 102:18 The Message).
How do you want your reader to feel after closing your book?
As people read Words That Change Everything, I pray they will be encouraged and inspired to find REST and peace, as they seek the Word of God for themselves.
What deep underlying truth do you want your reader to know?
The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:5-7 NIV)
How do your readers encourage you? 
I love it when I hear that something I’ve written has encouraged someone. The writing life is a bit discouraging at times when I don’t get feedback. So, just one word of encouragement can make my day better.
Which form of social media, if any, do you enjoy using the most?  (Blogs, twitter and Facebook fan page)
I also love blogging, but I tend to sign up for more posts on other blogs than I can handle. I really enjoy Facebook—I have a personal page and an author page. I also share my posts on Twitter @Karen Jordan and LinkedIn. And I can get hooked on Pinterest! I also post on YouTube and Periscope @KarenJordan. 
I hope you'll check out her book on Amazon or Lifeway. It will bring peace to your soul.

Write this down for the next generation so people
not yet born will praise God:
Ps. 102:18

Copyright © Reflections from Dorothy's Ridge 2016. All rights reserved

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