Navarre Beach, Florida

Well, it happened again. Recently on my morning walk on the beach, I caught myself looking in the same old places for that elusive sand dollar.

Do you ever do that? Find yourself doing the very thing you vowed never to do again.

I told you about my near obsession with the tiny fragile urchin a couple of years ago in The Elusive Sand Dollar and how I realized the hunt was causing me to miss many of God’s other creations, plus it was stealing my joy. 

I don't think I got home with this one intact.
I must confess that when I made the decision to stop searching for sand dollars, I had the thought that maybe once I gave up the hunt, I’d come upon another perfect specimen just out of the blueyou know, like a little God-Surprise. 

Since that Aha Moment, I’ve concentrated on enjoying whatever I encounter on the beach. But old habits die hard and sometimes sneak back in, which is what happened that morning.

Until I caught myself.

And stopped.

And laughed at myself.

And gave myself a talking-toStop it, Girl. Look at what God's doing TODAY. 

Anyway, this time, I renewed my resolve. Then Terry and I got busy, and the beach renourishment project (which I'll tell you about soon) closed our section of the beach so I haven’t been put to the test yet. 

However, the most wonderful thing happened yesterday. Our friends, Bobby and Karen, drove over from Perdido Key to have lunch with us. They came bearing gifts: flowers and not just one but a pile of tiny sand dollars they had discovered on the beach. Karen said there must have been hundreds.

And she kindly shared some with me.

Just part of the sand dollars they picked up

The gift made me laugh out loud at my friend's generosity and our gracious God's sense of humor.

My generous friend, KD
Thank you Karen.

Thank you, Lord. 

Dear God, please send Karen and my readers a special surprise today. 

Give them the desires of their hearts.

God spoke: “Swarm, Ocean, with fish and all sea life! 

Genesis 1:21a

If you'd like to learn more about sand dollars, The Echinoblog is a good place to start. Or if you're lucky enough to happen upon one of these fragile beauties and want to preserve it, go to SeaShells.Org.

Copyright © Reflections from Dorothy's Ridge 2016. All rights reserved

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