Sometimes the way ahead looks foggy.

If you're like me you have moments when it feels easier to give up on something than to dig deeper and find the heart to continue a challenging pursuit
It usually involves my writing, but yours might be a totally different thing. 

The Enemy of My Soul

The enemy of my soul speaks through many voices. In the past I’ve heard him in a colleague’s criticism or a teacher’s harsh comments. He speaks through a friend’s careless words or an acquaintance’s question. 

Even though the speaker didn't intend it so, I hear a negative message. 

When that doesn't stop me, he whispers in my ear about how much better others are doing: 

Sometimes he mocks me.

The Eternal Solution

However, when I’ve spent enough time in the presence of my Maker, I recognize the enemy’s taunts for what they are--my own imagination working overtime.

I remind myself that God put the desire to write within me. He created me to work with and for Him by developing my craft.

All He asks is that I listen and embrace the prompts He drops into my heart. 

He also reminds me it's counterproductive to compare myself to others. 

And, of utmost importance, I need to leave the outcomes to him.

My Response

So as an act of faith, I thank God for the gifts He has given me, and I pray for inspiration and the courage to continue my efforts. Then I seek to honor Him by writing down the words that echo in my soul. 

I also pray He will help me guard my words lest I become the enemy’s mouthpiece and ask him to fill my mouth with a message of encouragement for others.

"After all that—she was surprised to find that she still knew
 the words to the song in her heart… and she began to sing along.
She happily set free her heart" 
Curly Girl, Leigh Standley

I keep this little plaque by Leigh Standley of Curly Girl Designs near where I write to remind me on foggy days of my Savior's faithfulness. 

Whatever your calling, my prayer for you is that you will hear God's voice concerning it, take courage and work at it with all your heart. 

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus 
for good works, which God prepared beforehand, 
that we should walk in them.
Eph. 2:10 (ESV)

#URLoved #URKnown #HeCallsU #UMatter

Copyright © Reflections from Dorothy's Ridge 2016. All rights reserved

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